Tuesday 19 October 2010

Should porn stars wear condoms?

Jonnys, rubbers, condoms: we’ve all blown them up and let them float around the room and we’ve all tried to pull them over our heads without breaking… but how many of us actually use them to wrap up our love muscles? The Ipsos MORI survey indicates that 49% of under-25 year olds in the UK don’t always use a condom with a new partner. Is it any wonder that two thirds of women and a half of all men diagnosed with an STI are within this age range?
Although it is clear that many people dismiss ‘safe sex’ campaigns as exaggerated preachings of the prude, some may be convinced to have a change of heart after recent revelations that an LA porn star has been tested as HIV positive. STIs are like Revels – there’s always one that you really don’t want to get, and I’m betting that HIV is number one on most people’s lists. Filming in California’s multi-billion dollar porn industry has come to a halt and performers are queuing up to be tested as panic sets in. The question has now been raised: should porn stars be made to wear condoms?